5-Reps: ‘Off-season’ fitness, the “too saturated” myth, and why I’m jealous of my friend

Here’s what’s new this week.

Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:




Notoriety and recognition are fine if viewed as fortunate byproducts of doing the right work, the right way.

When they’re stated as the goal; when building a following is the goal; when making money when you already have enough is the goal; when anything other than the love for your work and the love for the people you surround yourself with is the goal, you’ll be lead down a path that’s destination can only be described as unhappy.


I’m jealous of my friend with a million followers.

I’m jealous of the attention that he gets. A part of me that I don’t like feels like I deserve what he has. Which is dumb. He’s worked hard for it. But that’s how I feel.

Being jealous of what somebody has is different from being jealous of how they got it.

It’s ok to admire others without desiring the life that they’ve had to live in order to have it.

Next time you’re jealous of somebody, think, are you jealous of them as a whole, or just a piece of them you wish that you had? Would you trade your life for theirs? All of it?

Whenever I find myself in a comparison funk to this guy, I run a cost-benefit analysis and quickly decide that, as good as his numbers look on my screen, I wouldn’t trade places.

I want his following. I’m jealous of his following. But his life would make me miserable. I’m not willing to do what he does.

I don’t want to be thinking of something witty or wise when I’m in a beachside cabaña with my wife. I don’t want to wait for the perfect lighting to take a photo. I’d rather skinny dip and eat cold watermelon and lose track of time.




I’m off-season for fitness right now. That means that it’s on steady-state while I focus in on a busy period of work.

Here’s my ‘off-season’ fitness checklist:

  • Three weekly full-body workouts.
  • No more than two coffees a day.
  • Weekly zone 2 cardio session (long bike ride or jog).




I’m also off-season with my relationships but can’t let the people I love be ignored.

Here’s my ‘off-season’ relationships checklist:

  • Daily breakfast and dinner with family.
  • Daily one-on-one play with each kid for 15 minutes (minimum).
  • Weekly date night with Alison.
  • Weekly text or call to a friend to say hello.
  • Weekly dinner with friends or neighbours.
  • Three weekly “out-of-the-blue” compliments to colleagues or team members.


Sometimes we show the least amount of love to the people we love the most.

A Few Good Quotes from a Great Book

“Finally, on June 29, 2007, boredom was pronounced dead, thanks to the iPhone. And so our imaginations and deep social connections went with it.”

“Doing physically hard things is an enormous life hack. Do hard things and the rest of life gets easier and you appreciate it all the more,”

-From Comfort Crisis, by Michael Easter

(I keep my Goodreads account up to date with what I’m reading. Follow along here.)

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The minute I finish this newsletter I’m going to go for tacos. So, bye.

P.S. Dad skills


After a few years, I’m back on Linkedin. If you’re active there, please send me a connection request or follow my page.

–> www.linkedin.com/in/jon-goodman

Jonathan Goodman
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Thanks for reading. Here’s a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship

The post 5-Reps: ‘Off-season’ fitness, the “too saturated” myth, and why I’m jealous of my friend appeared first on The PTDC.

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