5-Reps: Faith, broken down bodies, and what if we’re wrong

Very sorry for the bad link last week. Here is the correct link to download the Jacked Nerd Reading list.


Here’s what’s new this week.

Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:




There’s a principle in Christianity that I like, which basically says that we never own anything.

All that exists is a loan from God. Everything was God’s property before we arrived and will be returned to him after we die.

Getting more isn’t the point. Being more useful and enjoying more of what we have during our short time on this earth is the point. Which, in turn, frees us from the burden of ownership.


In Chinese philosophy: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifeline.”

The Islamic practice of Sadakah suggests its followers “guide the blind” and “support the weak with the strength of your arms”.

Maimonides, widely considered the most influential Torah scholar of the middle ages, described eight accenting degrees of tzedakah (righteousness). At the top, the step which brings you closest “closest to heaven” is:

“The person who helps another to become self-supporting by a gift or a loan or by finding employment for the recipient.”

The giving paradox of giving more to get more is said within Christianity, Islam, and Judaism to bring you closer to God, Allah, and heaven respectively.

Ironic that the things that bring us closer to divinity also tend to improve our quality of life here on earth. Maybe all this talk of a greater power is just a handy way of nudging you towards being a better person for yourself and others. Kind of like Santa Claus, but for adults.




Stop treating your body like you can trade it in when it breaks.

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If you’re not working on your ideal day, chances are you’re working on someone else’s.

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2.”Quit your job.” You tell your cousin, though you’re secretly burned the heck out yourself. “Cut off that abusive relative.” You say, thinking about your own crazy aunt. “Sell that bad investment. Stop throwing good money after bad.” You advise, still holding onto your bag of memecoins that you bought at the height of whatever idiotic hysteria you were bored enough to pay attention to.

Humans are skilled at counselling others with logic while simultaneously drowning in our own emotions and fabrications.

A Few Good Quotes from a Great Book

“It’s impossible to understand the world of today until today has become tomorrow.”

“The concept of success is personal and arbitrary, so classifying someone as the “most successful” at anything tends to reflect more on the source than the subject.”

-From But What if We’re Wrong, by Chuck Klosterman

(I keep my Goodreads account up to date with what I’m reading. Follow along here.)

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Last week I went for tacos right after finishing my newsletter. This week I am also going for tacos right when I finish this newsletter. No time to waste. Smell ya later,

P.S. Twinkie 2.0


Do you have over 10 online clients but still burning yourself out on the gym floor?

In my high-level mentorship program, we’ll help you scale up your online business.

We’ll help you earn the freedom to cut your in-person hours so that you stop missing time with the people you love.

Plus, we guarantee you’ll make $15k of new online revenue in 12 weeks and if that doesn’t happen, we’ll work with you for free until it does.

Let me help you earn back your time and freedom so you can be with the people you love.
–> Please click here to apply

Do you have a plan for the New Years rush?

If not, you’re not alone. Most don’t.

Apply to the Online Trainer Mentorship and we can have a chat about helping you build one.

–> Please click here to apply*

*Must be making a minimum of $1,000/mo to apply (if you own a gym and want to expand into online training, you’re welcome to apply as well.)

P.S. Here’s a few wins from our students last week.


Jonathan Goodman
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Thanks for reading. Here’s a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship

The post 5-Reps: Faith, broken down bodies, and what if we’re wrong appeared first on The PTDC.

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